6 October 2002 Seattle Peace March

The weekend of October 5 and 6, the group Not In Our Name organized protests across the country calling for a peaceful solution to the conflict with Iraq.

Nothing Becky and I have heard makes us think that war is the answer to whatever threat Saddam Hussein might pose.

Rather than sit in our living room complaining about what our government is doing, we decided to join some friends and take part in the Seattle protest.

We'd never been involved in a public protest on the scale of this one, and part of our hope was to determine whether this is a good way for us to make our opinions heard when an important issue arrises. Overall, it was a good experience, and I think we'd do it again for the right cause.

Here is an article from the P-I about the event. And another from the Times

I took pictures, so if you're interested, you can see what being in a protest march with 5000+ other people was like. The pictures don't capture the sound of the crowd which was at least half of the message, so imagine call and response chanting ("What do we want?" "Peace!" "When do we want it?" "Now!" was a popular one) to a background of polyrhythmic percussion.

Click the pictures to enlarge a bit (and browse one picture at a time)

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