A Baby Shower for Jennifer and Steve Curley

Well, Jennifer's siblings got it in their head that we should all converge on Bend, Oregon from our various states of origin, break into her house, decorate it, and surprise her with a baby shower in honor of the first rugrat in our generation. We did that, and it was lots of fun.

Aftermath of the surprise

Curleys acting nonchalant

Steve and Hazel... Comedy and Tragedy?

Hazel takes a whack at the piñata

Bev contemplates...

...and attacks!

Amanda on the warpath

Expectant mother with a big stick

Rachel triumphant:

Amanda displays her loot

The expectant parents

Brooks Baby Books

baby piano and *not* from Aunt Rachel!

unwrapping the...

baby parka

Yet Another Sleeper

Yet Another Diaper Bag

Brooks Baby Booties

Brooks-made Baby Blanket

Playing the game of Life

A really bad case of pink antennae

Hanging out on the front porch

The river

Not exactly what Daniel had in mind...