19 May 2002

Polly on the left and Zipper on the right get a drink from the Mackenzie river outside of Springfield, Oregon.

My father-in-law's house, just a stone's throw from the river. It's for sale and is a pretty nice house in a pretty nice spot if you're interested.

Becky and Dar reviewing Dar's trip to the Southwest. This is a totally typical Brooks family gathering picture if there ever was one (folks sitting at the kitchen table with a map and pictures)

I took the dogs for a walk trespassing on the Weyerhauser logging road that is gated just past the house.

Saw these cool irises just by the side of the road.

This picture shows the weird moire-like effect you get when you look at a clearcut hillside replanted with nothing but douglas fir saplings. All those identical branches make for an odd visual.