29 July 2002

I decided to take a spin through Sammamish State Park on my way to work this morning. This lovely spot is on the trail between the boat launch and the park proper. It blurred a bit in the low light, but I kind of like it.

Another mystery plant (complete with honey bee) just a few feet from the teasel of a few days ago. Kate The Botanist says:

Today's mystery plant is called common burdock, Arctium minus. It's a non-native plant of Eurasian origin. The name Arctium comes from the Greek arktos = bear, for the rough flowers. The flowers are covered with hooked hairs so if you (or your dog) brush against one it will stick and you will then become a vector, merrily distributing burdock seeds hither and yon.

And a mystery kitty sitting on a log.

I push a lot of these. This particular one (NE corner of Front and Gilman for crossing West to East) has an annoying habit of not working after 8pm. I've called the city a couple of times, but I still have to jaywalk if I go through that late.

I-90 between Front Street and Sunset Way is closed to bicycles due to all the Sunset Interchange construction. I'm not sure there's many people nutty enough to ride the shoulder of the freeway through there even when it's open, but they've posted detour signs which take people along my normal commute route. This one keeps getting tipped over and propped back up.