November 23, 2003
Rose hips
While these look like cherry tomatoes at first glance, they are actually rose hips, the fruit of the rose plant, in this case some sort of wild rose that grows in great profusion along Pickering Trail.
I was not the only one showing interest in the rose hips on this day. The doe below was accompanied by her antler-clad pal (when classifying a deer buck as "n-point", does one count all the points on both sides of said deer's rack, or only one side? I saw at least three, maybe four on one side on the fellow who sidled into the brush before I could take his picture.)
A friend told me that the farther north they grow, the higher the vitamin C content in rose hips.
Do deer get scurvy? |
Posted by jeffy at November 23, 2003 01:19 AM
Yippee! Pictures, with words! That photo of
reflections in the water with leaves below it
is really nice.
Deer don't get scurvy. As I understand it, most
animals can synthesize vitamin C. Primates, and
a few other animals, cannot. I think the "n-point"
designation for deer counts the points on just
one horn.