September 06, 2005

Glove anniversaries

flattened, tattered, and worn garden glove on pavement

This glove appeared in this spot a year ago today and hasn't moved more than a few inches since. You'd think it would be in some out of the way spot, but it's right in the middle of the driveway for a local motorcycle shop. It became one with the pavement almost immediately.

crumpled knitted glove with gravel and clover
This one, on the other hand, reappeared last week. I first saw it back in July of last year. It sat in the gravel driveway to a water pumping station for a while and disappeared as the weeds grew up around it. Last week they came through and mowed and there it was in pretty much the same spot.

Posted by jeffy at September 6, 2005 11:05 PM