November 07, 2003

Dino Rossi for Governor


Pleasing to Remember is holding Senator Rossi's record up to the light, and it's not a pretty sight.

Prior posts at Pleasing to Remember detail possible positive outcomes of the Dino Rossi for Governor campaign and evidence of the caliber of Rossi's political capabilities.

Rossi would be an ineffectual governor at best. I don't want to contemplate the worst that he could be. The challenge is for the democrats to show what a worthless choice he is and field a candidate that offers a reasonable alternative.

Posted by jeffy at November 7, 2003 02:48 PM

".. the worst that he could be."

Well, in that situation he would be an aid to 4
more years of George W. Bush in the White House,
starting in 2004. We've all seen what a big help
a republican governor can be in situations when
the vote is very close.

I voted against the recall in California because
I didn't want 4 more years of Bush presidency, not
because I like Gray Davis.

Posted by: Dan L at November 8, 2003 12:13 PM

The WORST would be another 20 years of the Democrat regime in Washington State. Look at the education system, tax system, unemployment situation, and traffic situation in our state.

THATS what 20 years of DemocRAT "leadership" will give you.


Posted by: Mike K at January 20, 2004 04:51 PM

I am a senior on a fixed income and my husband passed away from cancer three years ago. I am praying that Mr. Rossi will be our next Govenor of the State of WA. I live in Pierce Co. I voted absentee ballot for Rossi. I don't understand why anyone would want another democrate in the State of WA. Haven't they had enough of the high taxes, etc. I always vote Repuplican.


Louise Olson
9126 191 ST E
Puyallup, WA 98375

Phone: 253-262-1149

Posted by: Louise Olson at November 18, 2004 01:12 PM
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