Dates marked with a * have no review
Abraham, Daniel
A Shadow In Summer
(January 5, 2009)
Acevedo, Mario
The Nymphos of Rocky Flats
(July 11, 2007)
Adams, Douglas
Mostly Harmless
(November 1, 1992*)
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
(July 14, 1996)
The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul
(July 20, 1996)
Adams, Scott
Dogbert’s Clues for the Clueless
Shave the Whales
Build a Better Life by Stealing Office Supplies
Always Postpone Meetings with Time-wasting Morons
Bring Me the Head of Willy the Mailboy
(April 30, 1995)
It’s Obvious You Won’t Survive By Your Wits Alone
(November 17, 1995)
The Dilbert Principle
(July 1, 1996)
Fugitive From the Cubicle Police
(October 14, 1996)
Aldrin, Buzz and John Barnes
Encounter With Tiber
(April 6, 1997)
The Return
(April 12, 2001)
Alexander, Alma
The Secrets of Jin-Shei
(July 31, 2005)
Alexander Jr., John D.
Make a Chair From a Tree
(October 5, 1999)
Allen and Ritger
The Complete Guide to Bowling Principles
Allen, David
Getting Things Done
(April 30, 2004)
Almond, David
Kit’s Wilderness
(June 1, 2003)
(December 27, 2002)
Anderson, M. T.
(April 3, 2003)
Appelhof, Mary
Worms Eat My Garbage
(August 21, 1998)
Atkinson, Gordon
(December 9, 2004)
Aulby, Mike and Dave Ferraro with Dan Herbst
Bowling 200+
(January 28, 1995)
Austen, Jane
Mansfield Park
(January 25, 2000)
Bach, Jonathan
Above the Clouds
(June 5, 1993*)
Bach, Richard
Running From Safety
Out of My Mind
(November 3, 1999)
Baker, Nicholson
The Fermata
(November 1, 1998)
(December 26, 2001)
Bandler, Richard and John Grinder
Frogs Into Princes
(October 8, 2006)
Barnes, John
Jak Jinnaka:
The Duke of Uranium (2002)
(December 10, 2002)
A Princess of the Aerie (2003)
(May 4, 2003)
In the Hall of the Martian King (2003)
(January 8, 2004)
Million Open Doors:
A Million Open Doors
(December 27, 1996)
Earth Made of Glass
(May 7, 1998)
The Merchants of Souls (2002)
(January 19, 2002)
The Armies of Memory (2006)
(October 8, 2006)
Century Next Door:
The Man Who Pulled Down The Sky
(February 22, 1997)
Orbital Resonance (1991)
(October 27, 1995)
(June 13, 1999)
Candle (2000)
(May 21, 2000)
Kaleidoscope Century (1996)
(September 15, 1995)
(June 9, 2001)
The Sky So Big And Black (2002)
(August 24, 2002)
Timeline wars:
Patton’s Spaceship
(November 8, 1997)
Washington’s Dirigible
(November 22, 1997)
Caesar’s Bicycle
(August 28, 1998)
Mother of Storms
(September 22, 1996)
One for the Morning Glory
(October 23, 1996)
(March 24, 1999)
Apostrophes & Apocalypses
(August 3, 1999)
Sin of Origin (1988)
(July 25, 2002)
Gaudeamus (2004)
(February 6, 2005)
Payback City
(July 28, 2007)
Baum, L. Frank
The Wizard of Oz
(January 26, 2001)
Beagle, Peter S.
The Last Unicorn
(April 5, 1992*)
Bear, Elizabeth
Blood and Iron
(December 30, 2006)
Bear, Greg
(April 24, 1993*)
The Forge of God
(June 18, 1993*)
Anvil of Stars
(August 21, 1993*)
(November 12, 1993*)
Moving Mars
(November 15, 1993*)
(December 31, 1993*)
(November 15, 1995)
The Infinity Concerto
(April 19, 1996)
The Serpent Mage
(April 21, 1996)
(October 19, 1997)
Queen of Angels
(July 6, 2000)
Blood Music
(July 9, 2000)
Darwin’s Radio
(September 21, 2006)
Darwin’s Children
(December 11, 2006)
Beck, Sue
How to Buy Your House and Do It Right
(May 9, 1995)
Bellamy, Edward
Looking Backward, 2000 to 1887
(August 8, 2003)
ben Shea, Noah
Jacob the Baker
Bender, Aimee
An Invisible Sign of My Own
(February 3, 2001)
Bender, Sue
Plain and Simple
(August 7, 1995)
Benedict, St.
The Rule of Saint Benedict
(January 12, 2003)
Benford, Gregory
Tides of Light
(July 26, 1993*)
(October 15, 1995)
Great Sky River
(June 4, 2000)
Bentley, W.A. & W.J. Humphreys
Snow Crystals
(January 7, 1998)
Berger, Gene
Bowling for Everyone
Berry, Wendell
The Country of Marriage
(October 9, 1999)
The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry
(February 6, 2000)
Bethke, Bruce
(November 20, 1998)
Blackburn, Graham
Traditional Woodworking Handtools
(July 3, 2000)
Blake, Katherine
The Interior Life
(February 9, 2000)
Blish, James
A Case of Conscience
(July 30, 2002)
Blix, Jacqueline & David Heitmiller
Getting a Life
(December 31, 1997)
Block, Francesca Lia
(May 27, 2002)
Blocksma, Mary
Naming Nature
(October 15, 1995)
Bloor, Edward
(April 6, 2001)
Blount Jr., Roy
First Hubby
(June 9, 1992*)
Bodett, Tom
The End of the Road
(July 5, 1996)
Bolt, Robert
A Man For All Seasons
(April 5, 1996)
Bourdain, Anthony
Kitchen Confidential
(December 18, 2001)
Bone in the Throat
(March 30, 2002)
Bowles, Paul
The Sheltering Sky
(July 13, 1993*)
Bradbury, Ray
Green Shadows, White Whale
(April 13, 1997)
Bradley, Bill
Time Present, Time Past
(February 13, 1999)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer
The Mists of Avalon
(November 20, 1992*)
Brand, Stewart
The Clock of the Long Now
(December 28, 1999)
Brandt, Jobst
The Bicycle Wheel
(November 26, 1999)
Briggs, Patricia
Raven’s Shadow
(August 6, 2005)
Raven’s Strike
(January 1, 2006)
Moon Called
(March 20, 2007)
Blood Bound
(May 23, 2007)
Iron Kissed
(November 23, 2008)
Bright, Susie
Full Exposure
(December 21, 1999)
Brin, David
Glory Season
(July 6, 1993*)
Startide Rising
(April 2, 1995)
(October 9, 1995)
Brightness Reef
(November 24, 1995)
Infinity’s Shore
(December 25, 1996)
Heaven’s Reach
(November 7, 1998)
Brower, Kenneth
The Starship and the Canoe
Brown, Alton
I’m Just Here for the Food
(August 24, 2004)
Brown, Mary
Pigs Don’t Fly (But dragons do…)
(January 7, 1995)
Brunner, John
The Shockwave Rider
(March 3, 2004)
Brust, Steven
The Khavren Romances:
The Phoenix Guards
(August 13, 1992*)
(February 14, 1998)
(August 16, 2005)
500 Years After
The Viscount of Adrilanka:
The Paths of the Dead
(December 21, 2002)
The Lord of Castle Black
(October 16, 2003)
Sethra Lavode
(June 20, 2004)
Vlad Taltos:
(July 10, 1992*)
(October 30, 1993*)
(July 13, 1992*)
(July 15, 1992*)
(September 14, 1996)
(September 20, 2001)
(July 16, 1992*)
(November 5, 2001)
(July 20, 1992*)
(November 28, 2001)
(March 11, 1993*)
(March 8, 2002)
(February 17, 1996)
(September 18, 2002)
(October 27, 1998)
(June 29, 2001)
(October 22, 2006)
To Reign In Hell
(October 19, 1992*)
Brokedown Palace
(April 5, 1992*)
Cowboy Feng’s Space Bar and Grill
(April 26, 1992*)
The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars
(August 18, 1992*)
(March 16, 1995)
Brust, Steven and Emma Bull
Freedom and Necessity
(March 8, 1997)
Brust, Steven and Megan Lindholm
The Gypsy
(August 27, 1992*)
Buckingham, Marcus and Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D.
Now, Discover Your Strengths
(August 16, 2005)
Buckley Jr., William F.
Tucker’s Last Stand
(October 12, 1996)
Nearer, My God
(August 21, 1998)
Buechner, Frederick
The Alphabet of Grace
(January 27, 1995)
The Wizard’s Tide
(April 11, 1996)
(July 30, 1998)
Bujold, Lois McMaster
(August 26, 1998)
Shards of Honor
(September 4, 1998)
The Warrior’s Apprentice
(September 5, 1998)
The Vor Game
(November 21, 1999)
Falling Free
(April 29, 2001)
Brothers In Arms
(June 10, 2001)
Borders of Infinity
(November 9, 2001)
The Sharing Knife: Beguilement
(March 21, 2007)
The Sharing Knife: Legacy
(August 16, 2007)
Bull, Emma
(January 15, 1996)
War for the Oaks
(June 11, 1998)
Bone Dance
(April 3, 1999)
(July 8, 2002)
(September 12, 2007)
Bull, Emma & Will Shetterly
(January 31, 1995)
Liavek: The Players of Luck
(March 11, 1995)
Liavek: Festival Week
(October 21, 1995)
Double Feature
(May 3, 1996)
(April 14, 2002)
Bury, Stephen
Butler, Octavia
(April 29, 2006)
(December 31, 1997)
(May 27, 2002)
(October 15, 1995)
(April 6, 2001)
(June 9, 1992*)
(July 5, 1996)
(April 5, 1996)
(December 18, 2001)
(March 30, 2002)
(July 13, 1993*)
(April 13, 1997)
(February 13, 1999)
(November 20, 1992*)
(December 28, 1999)
(November 26, 1999)
(August 6, 2005)
(January 1, 2006)
(March 20, 2007)
(May 23, 2007)
(November 23, 2008)
(December 21, 1999)
(July 6, 1993*)
(April 2, 1995)
(October 9, 1995)
(November 24, 1995)
(December 25, 1996)
(November 7, 1998)
(August 24, 2004)
(January 7, 1995)
(March 3, 2004)
(August 13, 1992*)
(February 14, 1998)
(August 16, 2005)
(December 21, 2002)
(October 16, 2003)
(June 20, 2004)
(July 10, 1992*)
(October 30, 1993*)
(July 13, 1992*)
(July 15, 1992*)
(September 14, 1996)
(September 20, 2001)
(July 16, 1992*)
(November 5, 2001)
(July 20, 1992*)
(November 28, 2001)
(March 11, 1993*)
(March 8, 2002)
(February 17, 1996)
(September 18, 2002)
(October 27, 1998)
(June 29, 2001)
(October 22, 2006)
To Reign In Hell
(October 19, 1992*)
Brokedown Palace
(April 5, 1992*)
Cowboy Feng’s Space Bar and Grill
(April 26, 1992*)
The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars
(August 18, 1992*)
(March 16, 1995)
Brust, Steven and Emma Bull
Freedom and Necessity
(March 8, 1997)
Brust, Steven and Megan Lindholm
The Gypsy
(August 27, 1992*)
Buckingham, Marcus and Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D.
Now, Discover Your Strengths
(August 16, 2005)
Buckley Jr., William F.
Tucker’s Last Stand
(October 12, 1996)
Nearer, My God
(August 21, 1998)
Buechner, Frederick
The Alphabet of Grace
(January 27, 1995)
The Wizard’s Tide
(April 11, 1996)
(July 30, 1998)
Bujold, Lois McMaster
(August 26, 1998)
Shards of Honor
(September 4, 1998)
The Warrior’s Apprentice
(September 5, 1998)
The Vor Game
(November 21, 1999)
Falling Free
(April 29, 2001)
Brothers In Arms
(June 10, 2001)
Borders of Infinity
(November 9, 2001)
The Sharing Knife: Beguilement
(March 21, 2007)
The Sharing Knife: Legacy
(August 16, 2007)
Bull, Emma
(January 15, 1996)
War for the Oaks
(June 11, 1998)
Bone Dance
(April 3, 1999)
(July 8, 2002)
(September 12, 2007)
Bull, Emma & Will Shetterly
(January 31, 1995)
Liavek: The Players of Luck
(March 11, 1995)
Liavek: Festival Week
(October 21, 1995)
Double Feature
(May 3, 1996)
(April 14, 2002)
Bury, Stephen
Butler, Octavia
(April 29, 2006)
Cady, Jack
The Off Season
(March 3, 1997)
Cahill, Tim
Road Fever
(April 19, 1992*)
A Wolverine Is Eating My Leg
(May 27, 1992*)
Pecked To Death by Ducks
(February 12, 1996)
Callenbach, Ernest
Ecotopia Emerging
(March 4, 1996)
(July 12, 1996)
Publisher’s Lunch
(October 2, 1997)
Cameron, Eleanor
The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet
(June 30, 1996)
Card, Orson Scott
(December 14, 1993*)
Alvin Journeyman
(April 19, 1997)
Carey, M. V.
The Mystery of the Sinister Scarecrow
(June 2, 2002)
The Mystery of the Flaming Footprints
(June 1, 2002)
Carpenter, M. Scott, L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., John H. Glenn, Jr., Virgil I. Grissom, Walter M. Schirra, Jr., Alan B. Shepard, Jr., Donald K. Slayton
We Seven
(June 24, 2001)
Carter, Raphael
The Fortunate Fall
(December 22, 1998)
(December 31, 1998)
Carver, Jeffrey A.
The Infinity Link
(April 12, 1992*)
The Rapture Effect
(May 12, 1992*)
From a Changeling Star
(June 14, 1992*)
Star Rigger’s Way
(August 11, 1998)
Dragons in the Stars
(August 1, 1998)
Chapple, Steve
Kayaking the Full Moon
(December 28, 1995)
Cherryh, C. J.
(June 4, 1999)
The Dreamstone
(December 8, 1995)
Fortress of Ice
(March 4, 2007)
(August 1, 2000)
Visible Light
(July 13, 2009)
Christopher, Tom and Marty Asher
Compost This Book!
(May 20, 1996)
Chunovic, Louis
The Northern Exposure Book
Clarke, Arthur C.
A Meeting with Medusa
(April 19, 1993*)
2001: A Space Odyssey
(January 20, 2001)
2010: Odyssey Two
(March 17, 2001)
2061: Odyssey Three
(April 16, 2001)
3001: The Final Odyssey
(May 20, 2001)
Clarke, Arthur C. and Stephen Baxter
The Light of Other Days
(March 18, 2001)
Clough, Brenda W.
How Like a God
(January 20, 1999)
An Impossumble Summer
(June 20, 2002)
Doors of Death and Life
(June 8, 2002)
Cofer, Judith Ortiz
The Latin Deli
href="http://tomecat.com/jeffy/booklist1998.html#33">(June 6, 1998)
Colas, Emily
Just Checking
(July 27, 1999)
Collins, Billy
Picnic, Lightning
(January 24, 2003)
Colwin, Laurie
Home Cooking
(March 15, 1992*)
Conner, Stephen B. Compton and Guy R.
Configuration Management for Software
(March 21, 1995)
Cook, Rick
The Wizardry Compiled
(April 4, 1995)
Cooper, Brenda
The Silver Ship and the Sea
(March 30, 2008)
Costello, Mark
Big If
(May 26, 2003)
Coupland, Douglas
Shampoo Planet
(August 16, 1992*)
Generation X
(October 28, 1992*)
Life After God
Crawford, J. H.
Carfree Cities
(March 25, 2001)
Crichton, Michael
Jurassic Park
(January 17, 1992*)
(March 10, 2000)
Crispin, A.C. and Kathleen O’Malley
Silent Songs
(January 14, 1995)
Cross, Janine
Shadowed By Wings
(December 30, 2006)
Crowley, John
(July 25, 1998)
The Translator
(January 1, 2003)
Crusie, Jennifer
Bet Me
(March 21, 2004)
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
Finding Flow
(February 5, 2000)
Curtis, Patricia
The Indoor Cat
(July 5, 1997)
Dahl, Roald
My Uncle Oswald
(November 19, 1996)
Dalkey, Kara
Steel Rose
(June 5, 1998)
(July 2, 1998)
(July 5, 1998)
(July 10, 1998)
Little Sister
(September 14, 1998)
Crystal Sage
(April 1, 2001)
Dann, Patty
Dawkins, Richard
The Selfish Gene
(February 28, 1997)
Dean, Pamela
The Secret Country
(April 14, 1999)
The Hidden Land
(April 19, 1999)
The Whim of the Dragon
(April 30, 1999)
Juniper, Gentian, and Rosemary
(August 21, 1999)
Tam Lin
(May 5, 2001)
(December 2, 2007)
The Dubious Hills
(March 5, 2002)
de Camp, L. Sprague
Lest Darkness Fall
(July 3, 1999)
DeGrote-Sorensen, Barbara and David Allen Sorensen
‘Tis a Gift to be Simple
(March 2, 1996)
Delany, Samuel R.
Heavenly Breakfast
(February 23, 1992*)
Tales of Neveryon
Atlantis: Three Tales
(September 3, 1995)
Distant Stars
(January 21, 1996)
(January 11, 1997)
(July 22, 1997)
The Mad Man
(August 12, 1997)
The Einstein Intersection
(October 10, 1999)
(June 16, 2003)
de Lint, Charles
Dreams Underfoot
(November 10, 1996)
The Ivory and the Horn
(October 17, 2001)
Forests of the Heart
(October 28, 2001)
Moonlight and Vines
(February 20, 2002)
The Onion Girl
(May 5, 2002)
Tapping the Dream Tree
(March 2, 2003)
(January 7, 2004)
(January 8, 2004)
(October 22, 2007)
Spirits in the Wires
(November 25, 2007)
DeMarco, Tom
The Deadline
(September 17, 1998)
(March 27, 2002)
Why Does Software Cost So Much?
(April 24, 2002)
DeMarco, Tom and Timothy Lister
(June 8, 1996)
DesMaisons, Kathleen
Potatoes not Prozac
(December 25, 1998)
Dick, Phillip K.
The Penultimate Truth
(April 29, 1992*)
Dick, Philip K. & Roger Zelazny
Deus Irae
(September 27, 1997)
Dietz, William C.
(April 5, 2006)
Dillard, Annie
Teaching a Stone to Talk
(November 20, 1993*)
An American Childhood
The Writing Life
(September 23, 1995)
For The Time Being
(October 16, 1999)
Tickets For a Prayer Wheel
(October 9, 1999)
Di Prima, Diane
Memoirs of a Beatnik
(July 31, 1998)
Doctorow, Cory
Down and Out In the Magic Kingdom
(March 8, 2003)
Dodge, Jim
Stone Junction
(June 24, 1992*)
Dominguez, Joe and Vicki Robin
Your Money Or Your Life
Dooley, Timothy R., N.D., M.D.
Homeopathy: Beyond Flat Earth Medicine
(August 14, 2002)
Dorsey, Tim
Florida Roadkill
(August 12, 2002)
Doyle, Roddy
The Commitments
The Snapper
The Van
Drexler, K. Eric
Engines of Creation
Dumas, Alexandre
The Three Musketeers
(January 10, 1998)
Dunning, John
The Bookman’s Wake
(November 7, 1997)
Dunsany, Lord
The Charwoman’s Shadow
(December 5, 1996)
Durning, Alan
The Car and the City
(March 23, 1997)
This Place On Earth: Home and the Practice of Permanence
(December 10, 1997)
How Much Is Enough?
(March 1, 1998)
Durning, Alan Thein and Christopher D. Crowther
Misplaced Blame: The Real Roots of Population Growth
href="http://tomecat.com/jeffy/booklist1998.html#34">(June 7, 1998)
Dyson, George
Egremont III, Carlton
Mr. Bunny’s Guide to ActiveX
(May 9, 1999)
Ehrenreich, Barbara
Nickel and Dimed
(October 13, 2001)
Eisenstaedt, Alfred
Eisenstaedt Remembrances
href="http://tomecat.com/jeffy/booklist1998.html#28">(May 9, 1998)
El Hult, Ruby
An Olympic Enchantment
Elliott, Stephen
Happy Baby
(February 26, 2005)
Ellis, Estelle, Caroline Seebohm, and Christopher Simon Sykes
At Home With Books
(May 23, 1997)
Ellison, Harlan
Angry Candy
(December 18, 1998)
Emerson, Earl
Black Hearts and Slow Dancing
Evanovich, Janet
One for the Money
(September 10, 2007)
Fadiman, Anne
Ex Libris
(June 14, 2001)
Farmer, Nancy
The Ear, the Eye and the Arm
The House of the Scorpion
(February 9, 2003)
Feintuch, David
Midshipman’s Hope
(January 25, 1999)
Felton, Sandra
The Messies Manual
(January 24, 1998)
Messies 2
(January 9, 1998)
Fielding, Helen
Bridget Jones’s Diary
(February 23, 2002)
The Edge of Reason
(May 9, 2002)
Cause Celeb
(June 27, 2002)
Fine Woodworking
Fine Woodworking on Planes and Chisels
(July 18, 1999)
Fitzhugh, Bill
Pest Control
(July 12, 1997)
The Organ Grinders
(October 18, 1998)
Flagg, Fannie
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
(February 11, 1992*)
Flickenger, Rob
Building Wireless Community Networks
(November 23, 2002)
Flint, Eric and Ryk E. Spoor
(September 10, 2007)
Florman, Samuel
The Civilized Engineer
Ford, John M.
Web of Angels
(September 21, 2000)
The Dragon Waiting
(July 7, 2001)
The Final Reflection
(December 17, 2001)
Casting Fortune
(April 14, 2004)
From the End of the Twentieth Century
(August 15, 2004)
Growing Up Weightless
(May 12, 1999)
(May 18, 2003)
How Much For Just The Planet?
(August 15, 2002)
The Last Hot Time
(July 7, 2002)
The Scholars of Night
(April 26, 2003)
Foster, Alan Dean
A Call To Arms
(September 1, 1992*)
The False Mirror
(August 1, 1993*)
Foster, Richard J.
Celebration of Discipline
(October 6, 1996)
Frankowski, Leo
The Cross-time Engineer
(August 6, 2002)
The High-tech Knight
(September 14, 2002)
Friedlander, Lee
Like A One-Eyed Cat: Photographs 1956-1987
(December 17, 1997)
Gaiman, Neil
(July 9, 2001)
(October 26, 2001)
(October 14, 2007)
The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes, Fables & Reflections, The Kindly Ones, Worlds’ End, The Wake
(August 28, 2000)
The Sandman: Season of Mists and The Kindly Ones
(November 13, 2001)
The Sandman (The Doll’s House, Dream Country, A Game of You, and Brief Lives)
(November 30, 2001)
American Gods
(May 30, 2002)
(November 10, 2002)
Anansi Boys
(November 20, 2005)
Gardner, John
Nickel Mountain
(July 24, 1993*)
(March 9, 1997)
Gendler, Ruth
The Book of Qualities
(December 18, 1995)
Giambastiani, Kurt R. A.
Dreams of the Desert Wind
(August 6, 2005)
Gibson, William
Virtual Light
(September 25, 1993*)
(April 18, 2001)
All Tomorrow’s Parties
(May 29, 2003)
Pattern Recognition
(November 27, 2004)
Spook Country
(March 30, 2008)
Daniel Gilbert
Stumbling On Happiness
(May 28, 2007)
Gladwell, Malcom
The Tipping Point
(November 28, 2001)
Godwin, Parke
Waiting for the Galactic Bus
(September 21, 1992*)
Gold, Glen David
Carter Beats the Devil
(December 8, 2002)
Goldratt, Eliyahu M.
Critical Chain
(October 29, 1998)
Goldstein, Lisa
Walking the Labyrinth
(December 19, 2001)
Goldsworthy, Andy
A Collaboration With Nature
(March 20, 1996)
Hand to Earth: Sculpture 1976-1990
(March 20, 1996)
Hand to Earth: Sculpture 1976-1990
(March 20, 1996)
Green, Simon R.
Something From the Nightside
(September 2, 2005)
Greenberg, Martin H.
After the King
(November 28, 1998)
Greene, Graham
The End of the Affair
(September 1, 2001)
Gsell, Paul
Rodin on Art
(April 28, 1997)
Hacker, Marilyn
Presentation Piece
(July 14, 1998)
Hall, A.J.
Lust Over Pendle
(September 10, 2003)
Time Shall Not Mend
(January 31, 2004)
Hall, Brian
the Saskiad
(February 16, 1998)
Hall, Donald
Principal Products of Portugal
(November 28, 1997)
The Happy Man
(October 11, 1999)
Hall, Matthew
The Art of Breaking Glass
(July 5, 1997)
Hallowell, Edward M. and John J. Ratey
Driven To Distraction
(December 2, 1997)
Halsman, Philippe
Halsman: a Retrospective, Halsman: Sight and Insight, and Halsman at Work
(December 31, 2007>
Hammett, Dashiell
The Maltese Falcon
(June 28, 1998)
Hamper, Ben
Harris, Bob
Prisoner of Trebekistan
(November 21, 2006)
Harris, Robie H.
It’s Perfectly Normal
(April 25, 1996)
Harrison, Harry
The Stainless Steel Rat
(August 14, 1995)
The Stainless Steel Rat’s Revenge
(August 15, 1995)
The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World
(August 19, 1995)
Harrison, Harry and Marvin Minsky
The Turing Option
(August 22, 1995)
Hawking, Stephen
The Universe In A Nutshell
(January 5, 2002)
Heinlein, Robert A.
Job: A Comedy of Justice
(October 5, 1997)
The Menace From Earth
(July 10, 1999)
Starman Jones
(October 30, 1999)
(December 12, 2000)
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
(December 29, 2000)
The Number of the Beast
(March 24, 2001)
Farnham’s Freehold
(June 30, 2001)
The Door Into Summer
(September 19, 2003)
Revolt in 2100
(January 31, 2004)
Heinlein, Robert A. and Spider Robinson
Variable Star
(July 19, 2007)
Heller and Heller
The Carbohydrate Adict’s Diet
(September 13, 1993*)
Herbert, Frank
(November 9, 1992*)
Hesse, Karen
Out of the Dust
(August 15, 2004)
Heydt, Dorothy J.
A Point of Honor
(February 1, 2001)
Hobb, Robin
The Farseer Trilogy:
Assassin’s Apprentice
(July 22, 1996)
(November 8, 2002)
Royal Assassin
(August 25, 1996)
(November 14, 2002)
Assassin’s Quest
(March 23, 1997)
(November 27, 2002)
The Liveship Traders:
Ship of Magic
(May 12, 1998)
Mad Ship
(November 27, 1999)
Ship of Destiny
(September 4, 2000)
The Tawny Man:
Fool’s Errand
(September 29, 2002)
Golden Fool
(July 1, 2003)
Fool’s Fate
(March 21, 2004)
The Soldier Son:
Shaman’s Crossing
(January 1, 2006)
Hoffman, Alice
Second Nature
(November 24, 1998)
Hoffman, John
The Art and Science of Dumpster Diving
(December 3, 1999)
Holkins, Jerry and Mike Krahulik
Penny Arcade 1: Attack of the Bacon Robots
(October 14, 2007)
Penny Arcade 2: Epic Legends of the Magic Sword Kings
(October 14, 2007)
Holt, Tom
Who’s Afraid of Beowulf?
(January 26, 1992*)
Hornby, Nick
High Fidelity
(March 15, 2001)
Hughart, Barry
Bridge of Birds
(January 20, 1993*)
Hughes, Matthew
The Gist Hunter & Other Stories
(June 15, 2006)
Hunt, Mary
Debt-Proof Living
(June 26, 2005)
Huser, Verne
Paddle Routes of Western Washington
Illich, Ivan
Deschooling Society
(October 17, 1996)
Imes, Rick
The Practical Botanist
Ingram, Kristen Johnson
With the Huckleberry Christ: A Spiritual Journey
(April 20, 1995)
Irving, John
A Prayer for Owen Meany
(February 9, 1992*)
Isett, Lu Neil
Jonathan, Oh, Jonathan
(August 9, 1993*)
Jackowski, Karol A.
Ten Fun Things To Do Before You Die
(July 11, 1998)
Jaques, Brian
(November 4, 1995)
Jay, Ricky
Cards As Weapons
(November 26, 1995)
Johnson, George
In the Palaces of Memory
Johnson, Spencer, M.D.
Who Moved My Cheese?
(August 4, 2003)
Jones, Diana Wynne
(January 20, 1995)
Jones, Terry
Douglas Adams’s Starship Titanic
(January 28, 1998)
Kawasaki, Guy
Selling the Dream
Kay, Guy Gavriel
(September 28, 2006)
Kay, Terry
To Dance With the White Dog
(December 10, 1992*)
Kaufman, Wallace
No Turning Back
(May 24, 1997)
Kehret, Peg
Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio
(November 15, 1997)
Keillor, Garrison
The Book of Guys
(December 27, 1993*)
Happy To Be Here
(November 26, 1995)
Kenyon, Jane
(August 29, 1997)
Kesey, Ken
Sometimes A Great Notion
(July 6, 2002)
King, Laurie R.
The Beekeeper’s Apprentice
(June 17, 2000)
King, Stephen
On Writing
(August 31, 2004)
Kingshott, Jim
The Workshop
(August 20, 2001)
Kingsolver, Barbara
Animal Dreams
(May 6, 2000)
Kinsella, W. P.
Shoeless Joe
(April 27, 1993*)
Kirkham, Gene
(December 1, 1995)
Kirschner, Brian
The Pagemaster
Kittelson, James M.
Luther the Reformer
(December 02, 1996)
Kivirist, Lisa
Kiss Off Corporate America
(March 1, 1999)
Knight, Damon
Why Do Birds
(April 28, 2002)
Humpty Dumpty: an oval
(May 15, 2002)
Knuth, Donald E.
Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About
(February 7, 2004)
Korn, Peter
Working With Wood: the Basics of Craftsmanship
(May 2, 1999)
Kouros, Thomas C.
Par Bowling: The Challenge
(March 14, 1995)
Krakauer, Jon
Into the Wild
(September 27, 1996)
Krenov, James
The Impractical Cabinetmaker
(April 16, 1999)
Kress, Nancy
Beggars in Spain
(December 16, 2002)
Beggars and Choosers
(April 24, 2003)
Beggars Ride
(December 5, 2004)
Kushner, Ellen
Thomas the Rhymer
(May 25, 1997)
(December 4, 1997)
The Privilege of the Sword
(July 11, 2007)
Kushner, Ellen and Delia Sherman
The Fall of the Kings
(August 17, 2004)
Kushner, Ellen, Delia Sherman, and Donald G. Keller
The Horns of Elfland
(September 30, 1998)
Lackey, Mercedes
The Oathbound
(November 4, 1992*)
(December 1, 1992*)
Arrows of the Queen
(February 9, 1993*)
Arrow’s Flight
(February 13, 1993*)
Arrow’s Fall
(February 17, 1993*)
By the Sword
(March 3, 1993*)
Winds of Fate
(June 12, 1993*)
Winds of Change
(September 11, 1993*)
Winds of Fury
(September 25, 1993*)
Bardic Voices: The Lark and The Wren
(March 15, 1998)
The Robin and the Kestrel
(March 22, 1998)
The Eagle and the Nightingales
(March 26, 1998)
Lamott, Anne
Operating Instructions
(July 13, 1993*)
Bird by Bird
(May 13, 1996)
Joe Jones
(June 26, 1996)
Hard Laughter
(March 29, 1997)
Crooked Little Heart
(April 27, 1997)
All New People
(April 3, 2000)
Traveling Mercies
(September 28, 2001)
Lancaster, Don
The Incredible Secret Money Machine
(October 22, 2002)
Landis, Scott
The Workbench Book
(July 25, 2000)
Lane, Michael and Jim Crotty
Mad Monks On The Road
(April 17, 1997)
Langford, Dave
The Silence of the Langford
(June 29, 1999)
Lappé, Frances Moore and Jeffrey Perkins
You Have the Power
(October 10, 2004)
Le Guin, Ursula K.
A Wizard of Earthsea
(October 9, 1999)
The Dispossessed
(June 8, 2000)
The Tombs of Atuan
(March 4, 2001)
The Farthest Shore
(March 10, 2001)
The Telling
(July 16, 2001)
Changing Planes
(November 20, 2005)
Lehmkuhl, Dorothy & Dolores Cotter Lamping
Organizing For The Creative Person
(December 17, 1997)
Leibovitz, Annie
Photographs, 1970-1990
(November 13, 1997)
Letts, Billie
Where The Heart Is
(March 14, 2002)
Levine, Daniel S.
(December 16, 2000)
Levine, Gail Carson
The Princess Test
(November 15, 1999)
Ella Enchanted
(December 21, 1998)
(January 13, 2001)
Levitt, Steven D. and Stephen J. Dubner
(January 25, 2006)
Lewis, C. S.
Mere Christianity
The Screwtape Letters
(December 20, 1997)
Libes, Don and Sandy Ressler
Life With UNIX
(September 10, 1996)
Lieber, Fritz
Swords and Deviltry
(April 15, 1995)
Swords Against Death
(May 11, 1995)
Linaweaver, Brad & Edward E. Kramer
Free Space
(June 24, 2000)
Lindholm, Megan
Cloven Hooves
(December 4, 1992*)
Alien Earth
(January 15, 1993*)
The Wizard of the Pigeons
(January 24, 1993*)
Harpy’s Flight
(October 9, 1993*)
The Windsingers
(October 17, 1993*)
The Limbreth Gate
(November 8, 1993*)
Luck of the Wheels
The Reindeer People
(January 1, 1996)
Wolf’s Brother
(January 3, 1996)
Silver Lady and the Fortyish Man
(April 19, 1997)
Linnea, Ann
Deep Water Passage
(October 26, 1996)
Linney, Romulus
Jesus Tales
Seventeen Short Plays
Longwell, Dennis
Steichen: The Master Prints 1895-1914
(April 30, 1998)
Lord, Peter and Brian Sibley
Creating 3-D Animation
(September 9, 2005)
Lowry, Lois
The Giver
(April 3, 1995)
Lundin, Stephen, Harry Paul, and John Christensen
(October 8, 2002)
Lynch, Jim
The Highest Tide
(February 8, 2007)
MacDonald, John D.
The Deep Blue Good-By
(December 12, 2001)
Nightmare In Pink
(December 21, 2001)
A Purple Place For Dying
(February 2, 2002)
MacLeod, Ken
The Fall Revolution:
The Stone Canal
(November 30, 2002)
The Cassini Divison
(January 8, 2004)
The Sky Road
(January 1, 2006)
Cosmonaut Keep
(November 23, 2008)
Dark Light
(November 23, 2008)
Engine City
(November 23, 2008)
Maddox, Tom
(December 12, 1996)
Mann, Sally
Immediate Family
(December 11, 1997)
Martel, Yann
Life of Pi
(December 31, 2007)
Martin, Steve
(October 20, 2001)
Born Standing Up
(November 23, 2008)
Martinez, Guillermo
The Oxford Murders
(July 9, 2007)
Maslow, Abraham
Religions, Values, and Peak Experience
(March 7, 1996)
Matthews, William
Time & Money
(January 22, 1998)
After All: Last Poems
(October 10, 1999)
Maupin, Armistead
Tales of the City
(March 22, 1992*)
More Tales of the City
Further Tales of the City
Sure of You
(February 10, 1995)
Significant Others
(January 14, 1995)
McCaffrey, Anne
Crystal Line
(November 30, 1993*)
McCaffrey, Anne and Margaret Ball
(October 15, 1992*)
McCaffrey, Anne and Mercedes Lackey
The Ship Who Searched
(October 21, 1992*)
McHugh, Maureen F.
China Mountain Zhang
(October 15, 2002)
McIntyre, Vonda N.
The Wrath of Khan
(June 12, 1997)
(June 14, 1997)
(June 16, 1997)
(June 20, 1997)
(June 24, 1997)
(April 24, 1997)
McKibben, Bill
Hope, Human and Wild: True Stories of Living Lightly on the Earth
(February 6, 1998)
The Comforting Whirlwind: God, Job, and the Scale of Creation
(February 7, 1998)
The Age of Missing Information
(June 27, 1998)
Hundred Dollar Holiday
(November 25, 1998)
McKillip, Patricia A.
The Riddle-Master of Hed
(February 21, 2001)
Heir of Sea and Fire
(April 20, 2001)
Harpist In the Wind
(April 22, 2001)
Od Magic
(June 12, 2006)
McKinley, Robin
(January 4, 1992*)
The Hero and the Crown
(June 4, 1992*)
The Blue Sword
(September 28, 1992*)
The Outlaws of Sherwood
(October 22, 1992*)
(May 29, 1993*)
A Knot In the Grain
(July 3, 1995)
Rose Daughter
(September 23, 1997)
(September 25, 1997)
(November 24, 2005)
(March 30, 2008)
McPhee, John
The Survival of the Bark Canoe
(July 29, 1993*)
Encounters with the Archdruid
(October 22, 1993*)
The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed
The Control of Nature
Mitchell, Syne
End In Fire
(February 12, 2006)
Murphy’s Gambit
(November 27, 2006)
The Last Mortal Man
(December 30, 2006)
Moon, Elizabeth
Sheepherder’s Daughter
(June 3, 1992*)
Divided Allegiance
(June 17, 1992*)
Oath of Gold
(June 19, 1992*)
Mooney, Samantha
A Snowflake In My Hand
(April 16, 1997)
Moore, Alan
Top Ten: Book 1
(October 19, 2001)
Moore, Alan and David Lloyd
V For Vendetta
(March 7, 2001)
Moore, Christopher
Coyote Blue
(December 26, 2002)
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal
(September 6, 2002)
Morgenstern, S.
The Silent Gondoliers
(January 20, 1999)
Morrow, James
Bible Stories for Adults
(February 6, 1997)
Only Begotten Daughter
(May 12, 1997)
The Wine of Violence
(August 2, 1997)
City of Truth
(January 1, 1998)
Towing Jehovah
(January 2, 1999)
Mortensen, Viggo (text by Kevin Power)
Sign Language
(April 13, 2003)
Nakashima, George
The Soul of a Tree
(May 24, 2000)
Neville, Katherine
A Calculated Risk
(October 8, 1992*)
Nielsen Hayden, Patrick
Starlight 1
(May 21, 1999)
Starlight 2
(May 3, 1999)
Starlight 3
(August 13, 2001)
New Skies
(December 5, 2004)
New Magics
(March 19, 2005)
Nielsen Hayden, Teresa
Making Book
(May 8, 1996)
Nin, Anaïs
Little Birds
(September 15, 1999)
Delta of Venus
(May 8, 2000)
Niven, Larry
(September 9, 2000)
Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle
The Mote In God’s Eye
(May 11, 1997)
Nodelman, Perry
The Same Place but Different
(August 12, 1995)
Norman, Donald
The Design of Everyday Things
(September 18, 1992*)
Norman, Howard
The Bird Artist
(July 18, 1995)
Norton , Andre and Sherwood Smith
Derelict For Trade
(March 1, 1998)
November, Sharyn (ed)
(December 5, 2007)
O’Donohoe, Nick
The Magic and the Healing
(January 1, 1995)
O’Leary, Brian
The Making of an Ex-Astronaut
(July 21, 2001)
Oliver, Mary
A Poetry Handbook
(January 1, 2003)
Ortiz, Juan Carlos
God Is Closer Than You Think
(June 18, 1996)
Osborne, John
(September 29, 1996)
Otomo, Katushiro
(March 21, 2003)
Owens, Virginia Stem
And the Trees Clapped Their Hands
Palmer, Parker J.
Let Your Life Speak
(August 20, 2005)
Palwick, Susan
Flying in Place
(March 26, 1999)
Parker, Robert B.
The Godwulf Manuscript
(September 5, 1992*)
Pascarelli, Emil and Deborah Quilter
Repetitive Strain Injury: a Computer User’s Guide
(March 20, 1995)
Paul, Jim
Catapult: Harry and I Build a Siege Weapon
(February 22, 1998)
Perret, Patti
The Faces of Fantasy
(November 29, 1997)
The Faces of Science Fiction
(November 29, 1997)
Perrin, Noel
(June 2, 1997)
Petroski, Henry
The Evolution of Useful Things
Philbrick, Rodman
The Last Book In the Universe
(May 26, 2002)
Philpott-Jones, Pamela & Paul L. McClure
Woodworking for the Serious Beginner
(May 9, 1999)
(July 15, 1995)
Piver, Susan
How Not To Be Afraid of Your Own Life
(March 30, 2008)
Pratchett, Terry
Equal Rites
(November 13, 1999)
The Colour of Magic
(October 3, 2002)
Pratchett, Terry and Neil Gaiman
Good Omens
(March 2, 2008)
Pressfield, Steven
Gates of Fire
(March 12, 2001)
Preston, Douglas and Lincoln Child
(August 6, 1995)
Priest, Cherie
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
(March 30, 2008)
Pullman, Phillip
The Ruby In the Smoke
(February 23, 1997)
The Golden Compass
(December 19, 1996)
(November 8, 2000)
The Subtle Knife
(July 31, 1997)
(November 12, 2000)
The Amber Spyglass
(November 18, 2000)
Purdy, James
In a Shallow Grave
(July 19, 2001)
Quinn, Daniel
(April 12, 1997)
Rauch, Earle Mac
Buckaroo Banzai
(November 1, 1992*)
Reinhart, Br. Peter
Sacramental Magic in a Small-Town Cafe
(April 26, 1997)
Roberts, Nora
Midnight Bayou
(April 13, 2004)
Roberts, Steven K.
Computing Across America
(March 23, 1996)
Robinson, Kim Stanley
(March 27, 1993*)
Green Mars (half of Tor double)
(April 19, 1993*)
Red Mars
(August 12, 1993*)
Green Mars
Blue Mars
(August 5, 1996)
The Memory of Whiteness
(September 4, 1996)
Robinson, Spider
Night of Power
The Callahan Touch
(May 13, 1995)
(December 22, 1995)
(March 26, 1996)
Time Pressure
(June 13, 1995)
(March 31, 1996)
Callahan’s Secret
(August 8, 1996)
Callahan’s Legacy
(October 9, 1996)
(March 30, 1997)
Time Travelers Strictly Cash
(August 29, 1995)
(August 14, 1997)
User Friendly
(May 2, 1998)
Callahan’s Lady
(May 28, 1995)
(October 6, 1999)
Lady Slings the Booze
(May 7, 1995)
(October 7, 1999)
Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon
(April 10, 1995)
(December 3, 1999)
Callahan’s Key
(August 4, 2000)
By Any Other Name
(June 1, 2001)
Very Bad Deaths
(July 31, 2005)
Robinson, Spider & Jeanne
(May 28, 1995)
(January 9, 1999)
(November 12, 2001)
(July 21, 1995)
(January 30, 2002)
Roessner, Michaela
Walkabout Woman
(September 7, 1995)
Vanishing Point
(February 10, 1998)
The Stars Dispose
(April 5, 1998)
The Stars Compel
(March 7, 2000)
Rogers, Joel W.
Watertrail: the Hidden Path Through Puget Sound
(June 8, 1998)
Rogness, Andrew
Crossing Boundary Waters: A Spiritual Journey in Canoe Country
(May 21, 1995)
Roquelaure, A. N.
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty
(January 11, 2004)
Rosenberg, Scott
Dreaming in Code
(October 14, 2007)
Rowling, J. K.
Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone
(September 18, 1999)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
(October 17, 1999)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
(August 16, 2000)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
(August 10, 2003)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
(December 6, 1999)
(November 27, 2004)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
(August 20, 2005)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
(September 10, 2007)
Ruiz, Miguel
The Four Agreements
(April 19, 2003)
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn
(July 18, 2005)
(March 23, 2007)
Recovery Man
(December 20, 2007)
Rushdie, Salman
Haroun and the Sea of Stories
(August 27, 1996)
The Satanic Verses
(November 02, 1997)
Russ, Joanna
The Female Man
(January 6, 1997)
Russell, Mary Doria
The Sparrow
(March 17, 1997)
Children of God
(April 19, 1998)
A Thread of Grace
(December 12, 2007)
Ryan, John C.
Over Our Heads: A Local Look at Global Climate
(February 7, 1998)
Ryan, John C. and Alan Thein Durning
(April 18, 1997)
Ryman, Geoff
The Child Garden
(February 25, 1999)
Saberhagen, Fred
The First Book of Lost Swords — Woundhealer’s Story
(February 16, 1992*)
The Second Book of Lost Swords — Sightblinder’s Story
(February 17, 1992*)
The Third Book of Lost Swords:
(February 26, 1993*)
Empire of the East
(November 6, 1993*)
The First Book of Swords
The Second Book of Swords
The Third Book of Swords
Sachar, Louis
(April 5, 2002)
Sacks, Oliver
Uncle Tungsten
(December 4, 2004)
Sagan, Carl
(January 20, 1997)
Salzman, Mark
Lying Awake
(April 11, 2001)
The Soloist
(June 27, 2001)
The Laughing Sutra
(March 12, 2002)
Sawyer, Robert J.
(February 26, 1998)
Golden Fleece
(June 1, 1998)
End of an Era
(June 13, 1998)
(February 25, 2002)
Flash Forward
(April 28, 2002)
Illegal Alien
(January 7, 2004)
(August 18, 2004)
(August 21, 2004)
(March 19, 2005)
Factoring Humanity
(November 25, 2007)
Scalzi, John
Old Man’s War
(December 31, 2007)
Schlosser, Eric
Fast Food Nation
(March 16, 2002)
Schofield, Popper, Brolly, Tomlinson
Club Passing: A Juggler’s Guide to Social Interaction: Part One
(April 9, 1995)
Schulman, Audrey
The Cage
(June 21, 1997)
Schwartz, Randal
Learning Perl
Sears, Barry and Bill Lawren
Enter the Zone
(May 4, 1997)
Sedaris, David
Holidays On Ice
(January 3, 2001)
Seinfeld, Jerry
(February 18, 1995)
Seligman Ph.D., Martin E. P.
What You Can Change and What You Can’t
(April 16, 2005)
Seth, Vikram
The Golden Gate
(August 28, 2007)
Sheffield, Charles
The Ganymede Club
(February 17, 2005)
Cold As Ice
(April 11, 2005)
Dark As Day
(June 23, 2005)
Between the Strokes of Night
(November 24, 2005)
Shepherd, Mike
Kris Longknife: Defiant
(January 11, 2006)
Sherman, Delia
Through a Brazen Mirror
(March 5, 1998)
(February 6, 2005)
Shetterly, Will
The Tangled Lands
(February 25, 1995)
Witch Blood
(September 1, 1995)
Cats Have No Lord
(January 21, 1996)
(May 30, 1997)
(August 17, 2000)
Thor’s Hammer
(June 18, 2003)
The Gospel of the Knife
(September 13, 2007)
Silverberg, Robert
(October 6, 1992*)
Hawksbill Station
(July 13, 1995)
Sailing to Byzantium
(July 23, 1995)
(May 8, 2001)
Simmons, Dan
(April 4, 1993*)
The Fall of Hyperion
(April 11, 1993*)
Prayers to Broken Stones
(September 15, 1993*)
(December 21, 1997)
Rise of Endymion
(December 26, 1997)
Darwin’s Blade
(September 5, 2005)
Sincero, Jen
The Straight Girl’s Guide to Sleeping With Chicks
(January 16, 2006)
Skelton, Matthew
Endymion Spring
(December 5, 2007)
Slayton, Donald K. “Deke” with Michael Cassutt
(March 30, 2002)
Sloane, Eric
Diary of an Early American Boy
(December 30, 2000)
Snicket, Lemony
The Bad Beginning
(October 22, 2003)
Sobel, Dava
(September 25, 1998)
Spangler, David
The Call
(December 14, 1998)
Spinelli, Jerry
(March 31, 2001)
Stacey, Jim
Seattle Homes: Real Estate Around the Sound
(November 17, 1999)
Stegner, Wallace
Joe Hill
(December 18, 2000)
Stein, Gertrude
Lectures in America
(June 12, 1992*)
Steinbeck, John
Sweet Thursday
(February 2, 1996)
Cannery Row
(May 9, 2001)
The Pearl
(January 30, 2005)
Stephenson, Neal
Snow Crash
(July 11, 1993*)
The Diamond Age
(February 15, 1995)
(July 18, 2007)
(September 20, 1995)
(September 4, 1999)
Sterling, Bruce
(April 14, 2001)
Sternheim, Carl adapted by Steve Martin
The Underpants
(May 19, 2003)
Stevermer, Caroline
River Rats
The Serpent’s Egg
(December 14, 1997)
A College of Magics
(January 23, 2005)
A Scholar of Magics
(March 19, 2007)
Stewart, Sean
(December 19, 1998)
The Night Watch
(July 24, 1999)
Stilgoe, John R.
Outside Lies Magic
(October 5, 1999)
St. James, Elaine
Simplify Your Life
(December 26, 1996)
Stoll, Clifford
Silicon Snake Oil
(April 30, 1995)
Stoppard, Tom
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead
(February 12, 1996)
Story, Derrick
Digital Photography Hacks
(September 2, 2005)
Stross, Charles
Singularity Sky
(June 30, 2004)
The Family Trade
(October 18, 2006)
The Hidden Family
(October 25, 2006)
Iron Sunrise
(October 8, 2006)
The Clan Corporate
(December 31, 2007)
Sturgeon, Theodore
E Pluribus Unicorn
(May 30, 1998)
(June 14, 1998)
Aliens 4
(December 5, 1998)
(January 16, 1999)
Venus Plus X
(October 25, 2000)
Sudnow, David
Talk’s Body: A Meditation Between Two Keyboards
(February 1, 1998)
Suzuki, Shunryu
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind
(July 1, 1995)
Swados, Elizabeth
Inside Out — A Musical Adventure
(Marcy 14, 1992*)
Szarkowski, John
Looking at Photographs
(September 30, 1997)
Szilagyi, Steve
Photographing Fairies
(September 14, 1992*)
Tashjian, Janet
The Gospel According To Larry
(August 2, 2002)
Taylor, Jeff
Tools of the Trade
(April 30, 2000)
Teller, Astro
(August 20, 1997)
Thesman, Jean
(July 11, 2006)
Thomson, Amy
Virtual Girl
(May 8, 1997)
Tiptree Jr., James
Star Songs of an Old Primate
(September 16, 1993*)
Tolkein, J.R.R.
The Fellowship of the Ring
(January 5, 2002)
The Two Towers
(January 26, 2003)
Tolpin, Jim
The Toolbox Book
(February 5, 2002)
Turtledove, Harry
Case of the Toxic Spell Dump
Ulam, Stanislaus
Adventures of a Mathematician
(May 16, 1993*)
Underhill, Roy
The Woodwright’s Apprentice
(July 12, 1999)
The Woodwright’s Companion
(August 14, 1999)
Van Vogt, A. E.
(May 6, 1995)
Varley, John
Steel Beach
(August 4, 1992*)
Press Enter _
(July 13, 1995)
Blue Champagne
(June 13, 1996)
The Golden Globe
(November 14, 1998)
Red Thunder
(March 20, 2006)
Red Lightning
(December 13 2006)
The Ophiuchi Hotline
(July, 18 2007)
Vinge, Vernor
A Deepness In the Sky
(April 26, 2000)
A Fire Upon the Deep
(December 22, 1999)
(January 7, 2004)
Voltaire, Francois-Marie Aroue
(August 7, 1997)
Vonnegut Jr., Kurt
The Sirens of Titan
(November 19, 1996)
Walton, Jo
The King’s Peace
(November 1, 2000)
The King’s Name
(January 24, 2002)
(November 1, 2007)
(December 30, 2007)
Wand D.D., J.W.C.
A History of the Early Church To A.D. 500
(February 27, 1997)
Watt-Evans, Lawrence
Nightside City
(December 12, 1998)
Watts, Alan
Does It Matter?
(December 10, 1995)
Watts, Peter
(December 31, 2006)
Weinberg, Gerald M., James Bach, and Naomi Karten
Amplifying Your Effectiveness
(April 27, 2002)
Weir, Willie
(May 24, 1997)
Weiss, Ellen
Galaxy Quest
(April 28, 2000)
Westerfeld, Scott
The Secret Hour
(March 2, 2008)
Weston, Edward
Edward Weston Photographer: The Flame of Recognition
(November 3, 1997)
Weyr, Garret
Pretty Girls
(May 24, 1996)
Whedon, Joss
Serenity: the Official Visual Companion
(November 22, 2005)
White, Bailey
Mama Makes Up Her Mind
Sleeping at the Starlite Motel: and Other Adventures on the Way Back Home
(April 22, 1995)
Wilbur, C. Keith
Home Building and Woodworking in Colonial America
(July 28, 2001)
Wiley, Jack
The Unicycle Book
Wilhelm, Kate
Huysman’s Pets
(February 23, 1992*)
The Infinity Box
(July 12, 1995)
Fault Lines
(November 11, 1997)
Williams, Walter Jon
Hard Wired
(August 19, 1997)
Willis, Connie
(July 13, 1997)
Doomsday Book
(December 7, 2003)
Inside Job
(February 27, 2006)
Wilson and Wilson
The Eye of the Pyramid
(July 5, 1992*)
Wilson, Robert Charles
(February 6, 1995)
Blind Lake
(April 29, 2004)
The Chronoliths
(February 13, 2005)
Windling, Terri
Life On the Border
(August 17, 1996)
Windling, Terri and Mark Alan Arnold
Windling, Terri and Delia Sherman
The Essential Bordertown
(October 8, 1998)
Wolfe, Gene
The Shadow of the Torturer
The Claw of the Conciliator
The Sword of the Lictor
(July 2, 1995)
Seven American Nights
(July 23, 1995)
Endangered Species
(April 11, 1998)
The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories
(December 5, 2000)
Wrede, Patricia C.
Dealing With Dragons
(September 24, 2000)
Searching For Dragons
(September 30, 2000)
Calling On Dragons
(October 11, 2000)
Talking To Dragons
(October 15, 2000)
Book of Enchantments
(February 17, 2001)
Snow White and Rose Red
(May 18, 2001)
Yaconelli, Mike
The Door Interviews
(June 04, 1996)
Yolen, Jane
Xanadu 2
Xanadu 3
(February 12, 1995)
Sister Light, Sister Dark
(October 22, 1995)
White Jenna
(October 25, 1995)
Briar Rose
(November 7, 1997)
Dragonfield and Other Stories
(June 20, 1998)
Yolen, Jane and Patrick Nielsen Hayden
The Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy for Teens
(September 4, 2005)
Z., Mickey
The Murdering of My Years
(February 7, 2006)
Zahn, Timothy
(February 6, 2007)
Cascade Point
(November 15, 1995)
Dragon and Soldier
(July 30, 2005)
Night Train to Rigel
(March 5, 2006)
Zelazny, Roger
He Who Shapes
(July 12, 1995)
The Last Defenders of Camelot
(August 4, 1995)
Jack of Shadows
(May 31, 1997)